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Are you a Dead Sea?

 The Dead Sea

Did you Know that what makes the Dead Sea dead is not because of bad things that are in it?
Actually what makes the Dead Sea a place that nothing can live is the concentration of all the good stuff that pours into it but isn’t let out.
The Dead Sea’s has no outlet so everything that pours into stays. (Look it up).
The lesson here is that God didn’t make us, especially believers, to be Deadly Seas. We’re not a container that holds what Holy Spirit pours in so that the only time what pours into us ever touches anyone else is when we get so full that we overflow.
NO, God’s design was for us to be conduits or irrigation pipes. This is where we are hooked into His never ending source and we are full and pouring out at the same time. Actually even if we are not totally full something is still able to pour into other people.
If we are not pouring out we either aren’t hooked into the source or we have plugged up all the outlets.
Let me encourage you to be hooked into the source fully and unplug all the outlets because no matter how good it is that is put into you it will get stagnant and bring death if it doesn’t poured out of you.
Just as water that flows has life and is purer vs water that just sits and is stagnant so we must allow the life giving stuff of the Spirit flow through us instead of sitting in us and stagnating.
John 4:13
Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again,John 4:14
but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Do some research on springs. You will find that springs are where water that has come from all around it finds an outlet and pours out. The spring isn’t the source of the water just the place that it can pour out.
Spring water is better and healthier to drink from than a stagnant pond.


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