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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

 Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Such a simple instruction from the savior but so often ignored.
I have found that so much stress, anxiety and depression comes from our seeking the all these things.
Honestly we just need to follow the instruction. For if we seek first, first means first before anything or anyone else, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness we really don’t have to seek after anything else second. The Lord doesn’t continue on any where else with seek this second or seek this third. The Bible does speak in other places of seeking. Yet every other thing that we are to seek is found in the Kingdom and righteousness of God. Wisdom, the face of God, the presence of God etc will be found if we seek first what Jesus said seek.
He really makes things simple. No 12 steps, 7 ways nor 5 keys nor 3 points, nope just a first.
We do the first and the all is added. There’s peace in that. You don’t have to worry about what is automatically added. Also if you really seek the Kingdom the all stops mattering as much. For as you seek you will find and what you find is the Kingdom and in the Kingdom is His presence. In His presence is fullness of joy Psalm 16:11.
When you seek after the all we find troubles. I know people who are seeking after spouses, friends, money, careers, family time, etc and I have noticed that they are all stressed out. I looked at my own life and found that every time I sought after something else, including what I just listed that others are seeking, I was stressed and disaster’s followed.
Yet when I am just obeying the instructions and just seeking first The Kingdom and His righteousness I don’t have the stress and I don’t run into the disasters. Yes there are trials but because my focus is right I still have joy and I come through them easier and all the things I wasn’t seeking are added in the proper time in the proper place.
The choice is yours. Follow the simple instruction of the Savior or keep doing it your way.


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