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Confession in Connection with Healing

 James 5:16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

In God’s word we find several ways in which healing comes. Here In James we see that healing comes when we first confess our trespasses or sins to one another and then pray for one another’s healing.
Another reason that relationships with other believers is so important. We are not confessing for the other person to absolve us of our sins. We do this as an act of humility and to gain strength from the others to help us in overcoming our sins.
On the flip side when someone confesses to us we are to be their with words of encouragement not condemnation. When our brother and sister fall we need to help them up. We need to be standing in the gap for them so that the enemy doesn’t take advantage and drags them down into further separation from the Lord.
We pray for their healing, Spiritually as well as physically.


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