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Holy Spirit Is A Person

 Romans 8:1

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
So many people only quote the first part of the verse.
Yes there is no condemnation (The act of condemning; the judicial act of declaring one guilty, and dooming him to punishment.) if you are in Christ Jesus IF you walking ie living by the Spirit and not the flesh.
Holy Spirit is a person just like Jesus and God the Father are. He is the one who draws you to salvation, lives with in you when you get saved and will empower you to overcome sin in your life if you choose to walk along with Him.
Holy Spirit’s leading isn’t one where He is way out in front yelling at you to come on nor is He behind you driving or pushing you. He is the Comforter who will walk alongside you. Kinda like a person who can see who walks alongside someone who is blind or someone who’s eye sight is limited to just in front of them. He sees it all and if we who can’t see all would just lock arms with Him He will lead us into all that is good and away from all that’s sin.
The choice is ours. Do we trust our poor eye sight enough to go it alone or do we rely Holy Spirit to guide us?
Me I choose to do my best to cling to His arm for dear life.
Remember Holy Spirit knows it all and sees it all. Why would we ever trust ourselves to take one step without Him?


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