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Humbling ourselves

 Humbling ourselves

In reading the Bible it important to pay attention to punctuation more than the verse markers. Sometimes a sentence is enclosed in two or more verses and we can lose part or the meaning if we don’t notice.
1 Peter 5:6-7
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
Verses 6-7 here are actually 1 sentence and if we read it as such we get a fuller meaning than if we break it apart.
By following the punctuation throughout we see that
We are to humble ourselves by casting all our cares upon Him and as we do this He exalts us in due time for He cares for us.
If we were to break this sentence by verse instead of seeing it as the one sentence there is a subtle change. Nothing that drastically changes the meaning but it can cause the reader to miss that humbling one’s-self involves the casting of ALL one’s cares upon the Lord. That means the “little” ones too.
Sadly I have heard countless people say that they are not going to bother God with something because it is “too small to bother God with”. What is missed is that this is a prideful attitude because it ALL is small compared to God.
Healing a runny nose is no bigger a problem for God than pancreatic cancer. To provide you with a dollar is no harder for God than to provide you with a billion dollars. There’s are no big problems for God.
The real problem is on our side of the equation starting with our pride which is a hindrance to our faith which is the conduit for grace to flow into and through our lives. Humility has a direct connection to our faith/trust in God. The more faith/trust we have the more humility we have the more grace that can flow.
Flip side the less faith/trust we have the more pride we have the less grace can flow plus also pride invites God’s resistance. Verse 5.
Romans 10:17
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Grow your faith/trust, grow your humility and grow in grace.


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