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Biblical humility is NOT thinking of yourself as being worthless or less than.
Biblical humility IS knowing who you are in Christ and being confident in that.
Best example is Jesus in John 13 washing the disciples feet. Washing feet was the job of a servant, someone thought of as “less than” by others. Jesus demonstrated that serving others, by choice, doesn’t make you “less than”. In fact He demonstrated His total confidence in who He was. His humility did not diminish His position nor His authority.
As men we need to remember that it doesn’t diminish us to serve and honor our family, our bosses, our employees, our teachers, our students, our brothers and sisters in Christ, our friends, or our enemies. (Jesus washed Peter’s feet knowing Peter would deny Him 3 times and washed Judas feet knowing he would betray Him).
I have heard humility defined as thinking ABOUT yourself less, not thinking less Of yourself.
Let’s walk confidently in Christ humbly serving others.


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