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1 Samuel 15:22
So Samuel said:
“Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices,
As in obeying the voice of the LORD?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
And to heed than the fat of rams.
Due, in large part, to the abuse of different authority figures in the Church over the years we don’t hear a lot about obedience. Also we our flesh doesn’t like to hear about obedience. Yet obeying God is of the upmost importance. In this verse we see that obeying God’s voice is more important than any sacrifices we make or any worship we offer up. (Offering sacrifices in the context of the Old Testament was worship).
Why obey?
Here’s a question that isn’t asked enough. Why should we obey God? out of fear of the consequences? Because it is right thing to do? Because God blesses our obedience?
Answer yes, yes and yes. Yet there’s an even greater reason and the one that should trump all other reasons, because we love and trust Him.
The more love and trust we have for the Lord the easier it gets to obey Him and actually the more we desire to obey. Quick example. I started tithing out of fear. I then started giving offerings because it was the right thing to do and then because God promised to bless me. Now I obey in tithe and offerings and generosity because that is my heart. As I grew in relationship with the Lord His heart transformed my heart in the area of finances. My obedience in the area of the financial is now a lifestyle. A lifestyle not of fear or of selfish desire for what I can get but one that has taken on the characteristics of the one I am in relationship with. The closer the relationship the greater the trust ie faith.


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