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Spirit FRUIT

 Spirit FRUIT

Pay close attention. love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control are the FRUIT of THE SPIRIT, NOT the fruit of _________(insert your name). When we treat this fruit as simply human character traits we lead our selves into to failure and self condemnation.
They ARE NOT fruits separate from each other but collectively the Fruit that is produced by the Spirit.
The only way for the full fruit to be in our lives without a slice(s) missing is to stop trying to artificially produce it through our will power and instead be filled with the Spirit. When we are filled with the Spirit the Fruit naturally is produced in our lives because the Spirit is always producing the Fruit.
If we see that any part of the fruit is not evident in our life instead of condemning ourselves for our lack of willpower we should be looking for an blockage in our spirit that is stopping the Spirit from filling us.
Hence why Galatians 5:16 says
I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
If we’re walking in the Spirit we are going to be filled with the Spirit and also led by the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit just bursts forth in our lives because that is what the Spirit has been producing for eternity. The Spirit is never present without His fruit.
We need to stop trying to do what we cannot in our own strength do.
This brings us back to Matt 6:33. If we are seeking first The Kingdom of God and His righteousness the ALL is added. In this cases fullness of the Spirit which produces the fruit of the Spirit.
If we stop stressing ourselves out being a Martha and instead focused on the One Thing like Mary we would find so much freedom.


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