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Where are our eyes?

 Where are our eyes?

Having taught my children and now helping to teach my grandchildren how to ride bikes the number one obstacle that I noticed is where their eyes are. I tell them to pick a point way out ahead of them and to focus on that as they peddle. This will help them with balance and keep them from turning to sharply and falling.
I find myself telling them repeatedly to stop looking down and to look out ahead because when they look down that’s when they are falling.
Today this reminded me of Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
We need to keep our eyes on Jesus. When we look down at what is going on around us that is when we fall. It isn’t that we ignore what is going on around us or immediately in front of us. Just as when riding a bike when we look out way ahead of us we still see what is also right in front of us and to the sides. In both cases by looking at what we are supposed to be looking at, focus wise, it puts things into proper perspective and allows us to stay balanced.
So if it seems that you are out of balance and/or falling down try adjusting how far out you are looking and if you are fully looking/focused on Jesus.
Something also to consider. Something right in front of you can seem huge until you look at it as you are looking at something else in the distance then it doesn’t look as big. What was the difference? Perspective based upon what you were looking at and focused on.


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