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The Curse of Fatalistic Thinking

 The Curse of Fatalistic Thinking

“Hope for the Best but Prepare for the Worst”
“If it wasn’t for bad luck I would have no luck at all”
“Expect the Worst and if anything good happens you will be pleasantly surprised”
Have you ever heard someone say any of these phrases? I have. All my life. These were things said by my family for several generations and basically every time these were spoken we were cursing ourselves. They weren’t said knowing that they were curses but actually to try and avoid disappointment and pain. Sadly what this thinking caused was nothing but disappointment and pain for they are contrary to the Word of God.
Proverbs 23:7a
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
If you think/see yourself as failing, that something bad is always going to happen or that disappointment is just around the corner guess what you are right. With that heart even if something great happens you won’t fully recognize it because in your heart you only see disappointment.
Now if you renew your mind in Christ and put your hope in Him and by faith trust that you will receive what He has promised it won’t matter how many trials or hardships come your way. The negative things won’t stop you because you know that you are blessed and that nothing can stop God’s blessings from coming to you. They may be delayed but never stopped because you believe/see/think in your heart what God says about you. That you are the head and not the tail. You are blessed coming and going. You are a overcomer.
Our circumstances really don’t define us. It is what we think/see/believe in our hearts about ourselves that defines us and our level of success or failure.


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