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Vines, Branches and Where you going to live.

Vines, Branches and Where you going to live. 

John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.


This verse is so AWESOME.  First let us look at a good definition for Abides-to remain, to tarry, not depart, to continue to be present, to be held, kept continually, to last, endure not to perish, to live. Next let us breakdown the verse.  

Jesus is the vine, and as born-again believers we are the branches.  The vine isn’t dependent on the branches at all but the branches are totally dependent upon the vine.  He who abides, stop here and let the importance of this hit you.  We GET to abide in Jesus.  When we were sinners, we being what God hated, we were loved so much that Jesus came to pay for our sins and allow us to be forgiven. Now just having our sins forgiven so that we don’t go to hell is more than we deserve and is great on its own BUT WAIT that’s not all.  We are made the righteousness of God in Christ, we get adopted and become sons and daughters of the God most High, we also become joint heirs with Christ i.e. we are in the will, we get life now and that more abundantly, and not only do we get to come boldly into the throne room of God but we get to abide not just in His Prescence but literally in HIM.  Guess what it doesn’t stop as we keep reading, HE will Also abide in US.  From that we will bear much fruit because of us being in Him and Him being in us.

We don’t just get to stop by the throne room for a visit nor do we have to wait till heaven to live in His Prescence.  Right now, and every day we can choose to abide, remain, tarry, not depart, continue to be present in Him, to hold Him and be held by Him, to be kept continually, to endure, live every second so in Him that we don’t know where He starts and we end.  


Imagine how different your life would be if you were really abiding in Him instead of just stopping by for a visit on Sunday morning, in a time of trouble or just during your morning devotion time? 

He has made the way for this to happen so don’t get it twisted and think that you have to earn it somehow or that you can earn it or achieve it.  This is simply making a choice to take advantage, receive what He has given us the opportunity to do. Salvation comes by grace through faith.  Abiding in Jesus comes by grace through faith.  Also healing, prosperity, abundance, miracles all comes by grace through faith.  

John 15:5 is not something impossible that only those super spiritual, special people can ever hope to obtain.  No!  It is for who soever will receive it.  


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