Tenaciously Holding to His promises Have you ever looked up the definitions for tenacity and tenacious? Until a couple of days ago I never had and when I did, I was a little surprised. You see for 3 days this week the Lord kept bring up patience and waiting and their connection to trust and faith. I believe that this was a response to my asking the Lord what was wrong with me that was keeping me from seeing healings and miracles flowing through my life. I have read about in other people’s lives starting in the New Testament till modern times and I know that God is the same yesterday, today and forever and that He is no respecter of persons. If I am not walking in all that God has for me the problem is on my side, not His. This brings me to the definitions I spoke of earlier and here they are. TENAC'ITY , 1. Adhesiveness; that quality of bodies which makes them stick or adhere to others; glutinousness; sti...