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The Lesson of the Water Line

 The Lesson of the Water Line


We often blame God for not providing or blessing us because we are not seeing the desired results just like I blamed my well water pump for not providing the water pressure when I turned on the faucet.  The real problem was that I didn’t have a big enough main waterline and the second problem was that a clogged had developed in a small section of the metal water pipe I was using. Once I replaced the clogged section and the main waterline with a line 2/3 larger, I have water pressure greater than I ever hoped.  

God is infinite in His resources and power.  If what we desire is not flowing through us to produce the outflow/results we desire it isn’t God’s fault, there is either a clog or “water line” that is restricted the volume.  As I learned with my water line, it doesn’t matter how much pressure is moving the water if the channel for it to flow through doesn’t allow a sufficient volume to come through it won’t produce much.  

If we are lacking anything from God it would be best if we do a quick check on our “water lines” to see if there are any clogs or if our “lines” need to be replaced with a bigger size line. A tight-fisted man is unable to grab hold of more because he won’t let go of what little he has.


Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you (this is the flow): good measure (this is the volume), pressed down (this is the pressure), shaken together, and running over (this is the water pressure when you turn on the faucet) will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure (volume) that you use, it will be measured (volume) back to you.” 







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