The IF. From what I have observed there is a great lack of understanding or just plain misunderstanding of this simple 2 letter word, if, when it comes to God and His working in our lives. When it comes to if it is very much a powerful word that we must properly understand so that we can receive all that God has for us as His people. The first thing we must understand about if is that the if is never on God’s part. He has already done His part. His will is clear and established and in Jesus it is finished. The believer’s mindset and prayers should never be “if God…..” because there is no “if God”. To pray “God if it is Your will” prayers is to declare ignorance of God’s Word or unbelief in what God’s Word says. The good news is that we don’t have to stay in ignorance or unbelief. We can dig into His Word and be changed. Before praying a what if prayer would it not be more effective to search God’s Word, fin...