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2 Verses

 In my unpacking of all the Lord showed, gave and taught me during my trip I keep coming back to these 2 verses.


Matthew 6:33But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.


For if I do anything else apart from what these verses instruct me to do I get out into my strength, my wisdom and my ability of provision which is not the place for me to be.  During this trip I saw and heard both the wonderful and the horrible.  I encountered things that from a natural perspective would make me run away and hide because there is no way I could add anything positive to keep what I experience going or to change the situation from the bad to the good.  

If I see myself as anything more or less than a conduit, a branch, that He can move through and produce fruit through not only am I in trouble but those I come in contact with are in trouble. The reason being that if I think I am the source then I put myself in the role of God obviously that leads to trouble.  If I think of myself less than I will do nothing block what God wants to do through me to touch others.  

If I seek anything else but the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, I wind up trying to add everything else myself.  If I don’t abide in Him and He in me I am that branch that is cut off and I wither and die.  Truly without Him I can do nothing but die but in Him I can do all things. 


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