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In looking up the definition of this word there is no definition for Mentor in the Noah Webster 1828 dictionary.  I found this very interesting.  It leads me to believe this word is something that has developed since that time.  Thus, the importance is more on what this word means and represents more so than the word itself because the meaning has been around longer that the word itself in our context. 

As I explored the meaning of what mentor means I found that the word itself was actually the name of the friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus.  I found this knowledge very enlightening.  I believe that it shows the character traits necessary of a mentor.  Friendship/relationship, trust, experience, knowledge and ability to pass that knowledge and experience on. To be a true mentor, I believe, one must have all of these characteristics.  

In looking at the dictionaries that hold a definition for the word mentor I found these definitions: a trusted counselor or guide, Tutor, coach; an experienced and trusted adviser; advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague) a person who gives a younger or less experienced person help and advice over a period of timeespecially at work or school;· a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. From these I see the common characteristics of someone who is more experienced than the one they are mentoring, someone who is trusted, someone who has the ability to advise, teach, train others. 

From a Biblical perspective I believe these verses are what I would say fits the meaning of a mentor from a Christian perspective/definition or what I would seek to have or be as a mentor. 1 Corinthians 4:14-17 14 I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I warn you. 15 For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. 16 Therefore I urge you, imitate me. 17 For this reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church.

Here again I see friendship/relationship, experience, trust, knowledge and the ability to pass on this knowledge. I also don’t believe that the ten thousand instructors in Christ was a put down of those instructors.  Instructors in Christ are important and a valuable because we are able to learn things from them.  The problem is that is all you can get from them is the instruction.  The aspects of relationship and the depth of relationship of a mentor or “spiritual father” is missing.  I believe that it is this aspect that separates the two.  Depth of relationship.  To have/be a mentor/spiritual father you there has to be not only the experience, knowledge, the ability to pass this knowledge on and being trust worthy, these are all musts and very important, but the most important that thing that separates the two, the secret sauce so to speak, is this depth of relationship.  As described in this passage the depth of relationship is conveyed through the relationship between a father and a son.  The best example of this is God the Father and God the Son.  

Based on my study of what a mentor means/is for those who said that their mentees are their sons or that they are focused on mentoring their sons that is exactly what you should be doing.  That is the most perfect example.  

I would also encourage those who have never had a spiritual father, i.e. a mentor in spiritual things, and you see few or no options for one because at this point in your life because simply of the age and experience aspect focus your attentions on allowing the Lord to help you be what you didn’t/don’t have for others.  Time is of the essence for those younger generations.  For too long in the church we have had orphans raising orphans.  Now is the time for the older generation of orphans to stand up and say no more. To be for others what we never had.  Timothy had Paul and Paul had Barnabas but who did Barnabas have?  There is no Biblical record that Barnabas had anyone that was a mentor/spiritual father to him but yet he was, I believe from what I read in scripture, this to Paul and probably others.  

To those who are older, who have few or no options for finding a mentor/spiritual father I finish with this question.  Are you going to sit around and mourn for what you didn’t have and can’t have or will you be a Barnabas?


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