More Faith in Amazon???
Most everyone who is reading this has at one time or another ordered something from Amazon. Many of you order frequently enough that you even have Amazon Prime which gives you access to free two-day shipping on thousands of items. What a wonderful thing to sit at home, your place of work or anywhere you have internet service and purchase just about anything.
I wonder how many of you have ever wondered how much faith it takes to do this? Faith? What does faith have to do with ordering from Amazon, you might ask? Let’s look at the facts. You are purchasing something based on a picture on your computer. Unlike shopping in a store like mine, you pay for the item before you actually see it in person and that days to a week or more in advance. At the time of purchase you believe that your item will be delivered within the delivery window they give you even if they have not always done so in the past. That my friends is not just faith that is faith in action. Here though is the sad part, most of us have more faith in Amazon delivering to us items that meet the descriptions they give us with and that it will actually get to us more than we believe that God will do what He said He will do.
I believe that is at the core of the beliefs of those we call Cessationist. It is easier for them to believe that God doesn’t do signs, wonders and miracles anymore, or rather for them to not have faith in God to that He is the same yesterday, today and forever, than it is to believe for Him to do that in their lives. Before us non-Cessationists shout to a too loud agreement with that statement how many of us are actually putting our faith into action and doing what we say we believe? How many demons are we attempting to casting out, how many sick people are we attempting to laying hands on, how many people are we attempting to witnessing to, how many dead people are we attempting to raise, how many lepers are we attempting to cleanse?
I am sorry just speaking in tongues and prophesying back and forth with other believers doesn’t cut it.
Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
I am going to let those 2 verses speak for themselves. Why is it easier for us to believe in Amazon more than God? Why do we, why do I let fear produce in me unbelief and keep me from action. Why do I should I worry about what other people think about me or my reputation more than obeying God? Why is the first question what if nothing happens instead knowing in my heart that God is going to move through my faith, not because of my faith but because of His promises because of His faithfulness, His grace and His love? Why should I believe in an ungodly company being more faithful to deliver on its promises more than God delivering on His?
Lord, Jesus, Help me!
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