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Report from 2nd Trip to Ireland Part 3

 Report from 2nd Trip to Ireland Part 3


Friday, I stayed in Kildare Town because it would be close to a gathering that started back in January at a place called the Cowhouse which is in Inchaquire, co. Kildare. On my journey there and back the roads are VERY rural and in one section the sheep have no fences.  

One of the people I got to see again was Peter who introduced me to an answer to prayer, her name is Lorain. Lorain is a wonderful answer to prayer for Peter.  A woman who is joyful and loves the Lord. Peter and Lorain got engaged a few days later. 

After sharing a meal together, we sang a few songs together.  I was asked to share my testimony of why I came to Ireland.  With the treat of severe storms moving into the area we then moved into a time of prayer for one another. 

Saturday was a very busy day. I drove an hour 15 minutes drove to Meath Christian Centre for Outreach Ireland meeting before their outreach in Navan. I then traveled 2 hours to Leitrim to meet with Kathrine and Josh Hardingham’s home.  They had set up a dinner for me to be able to meet some of the people from their church. It was a good time for me to learn about the history of the church and meet some very wonderful people. 

I almost didn’t get to be with them as the storms that had come through Friday night and knocked trees and hedge out into the roads.  The Hardingham’s road had been blocked by a tree and they were not sure if it would be cleared in time.  When I had left Navan I left in faith that the Lord would have it cleared before I got there and He did.  This was not the only move of God Saturday.  The B&B I had made reservations at the company I had booked through had canceled my reservation and I didn’t realize it. I had missed the email so the owner was a little surprised when I should up after 8pm wanting to check in. The storms had caused a loss of electricity in the other half of town which closed the hotel so he had more than expected business but there was 1 room left.  Knowing how this could go I wondered if the price for the room had just gone through the roof.  Praise the Lord it actually cost me less money.  

Sunday I was up early to travel back to Meath Christian Centre as I would be preaching the morning service. It was a wonderful time. What I had planned to preach the Lord said that wasn’t for today and that He had something different minutes before I was to speak.  Having learned long ago that it isn’t about me and what I have to say I just asked to Lord to preach me the sermon so I could preach it to them.  

When I got up, I just let everyone know that we would all be getting the Word of the Lord at about the same time but that was better than me just giving them something from me.  God moved and touched many lives through the message and the ministry time after. Pastor Richard told me later on after the service that there had been a man there who was originally from Upstate NY who was an unbeliever.  He only goes to church when he and his wife come back to Ireland to visit her family.  Isn’t it just how God works things that this man and I would be there at the same time. 

After the service I had lunch the leadership of the church.  It was a great time of fellowship and hearing the story of how God started the church there. We also spoke about revivals of the past and the coming revival.  I stayed there listening and speaking with Pastor Richard till after 6 that night.  This is a man, I believe, that God has raised up to be a mentor and spiritual father to many.  For most people in their early 70’s this would be when things are winding down but I believe for this man thing really are just beginning.  He has a heart for evangelism and unlike many in the states instead of focusing on building the next mega church he is focusing on how to best build the kingdom through seeing other churches planted through the area.  Instead of just one big fire in one static location, he sees many fires starting up and moving all over the county. 


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