I recently listened to a mom speak about her teenage child who is in active addiction. This child goes missing often and wherever they go it is a rough place because when they come back they are all cut up. As this mother was speaking about this Mark 16:17a came to mind. “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons;. “
I don’t believe that casting out demons is listed first by mistake. Deliverance is supposed to be a normal part of every believer’s life.
Did you know that 12 step groups are only about 1 percent effective in getting people out of addiction? How effective has anti poverty programs been?
What if we started seeing things that are going on around us differently? What if we saw addiction as a need for deliverance? What if we saw poverty as a need for deliverance? What if we started seeing the demonic strongholds for what they are started casting them out?
Hosea 4:6 mentions that God’s people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge. Could it be that the destructive things that we are seeing in our society continue because we the church lacks knowledge? Knowledge of what the root causes really are and of how to confront them properly?
Could it be that Addiction, poverty and so many medical issues and other things really are symptoms of deep spiritual trauma and demonic strongholds and therefore need a spiritual answer more than a physical one?
If we believe in speaking in tongues and that this should be a normal part of our lives, why not casting out demons? I wonder if everyone reading this who has spoken in tongues has also cast out demons at least once in their life? If not why, why should it be more normal for a believer to speak in tongues than to cast out demons? They are both listed in the list of signs that follow those who believe in Jesus name. It is the first thing listed but seems to be the least common thing on the list operating in believers lives. Why is that?
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